visiting scholar postion opening in Ohio State University Cancer Center


Deliang Guo Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Radiation Oncology at Ohio State University Cancer Center. Dr. Guo's research is focusing on EGFR/RTKs/PI3K/Akt and Ras/MEK/ERK signaling transduction in brain tumor. Recently he uncovered EGFR/PI3K/Akt signaling upregulates SREBP-1 activity to promote de novo fatty acid synthesis in brain tumor patients, and deomstrate SREBP-1 and its regualted key genes ACC, FAS and LDLR as novel molecular targets in cancer (Guo, et al. PNAS, Science Signaling 2009). Dr. Guo's work is committed to unravel how EGFR/PI3K signaling regulate metabolism, to link glucose uptake and lipid metaboism, and identify the key molecualr targets in this network to eradicate cancer cells. Dr. Guo's research will highly endeavor in translational research, assess molecular alterations in cancer patient tissues, to obtain insights from bedside. he has been closely collaborating with physicians in OSU and other medical center, to endeavor to translate bench work to clinical.
Dr. Guo's laboratory is opening for Ph.D. students and physicians whose financial are sponsored by Chinese govement or hopspital. 2 years scholar for Ph.D. student, 1-2 years physicians from China (2 years encouraged) are prefered. Cancer research background and baisc techniques are required, self-motivation and strongly interesed in research are encouraged to apply. Please email to Deliang Guo,<>.
