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VIP keynote Speaker Invitation

USCACA is an endorser of the World Precision Medicine Summit 2016 to be held in Shanghai during December 3-4. Dr.Wei Zhang will serve as a moderator and panel discussant.USCACA friend, the Director of Wake Forest Cancer Center, Dr. Boris Pasche will deliver a keynote speech on precision oncology initiative at Wake Forest.


USCACA,NFCR,AFCR 2016 Scholar Awards

U.S. Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (USCACA, 美中抗癌协会)

National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR, 国家癌症基金-美国)

Asia Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR, 亚州癌症研究基金会)

2016 Scholar Awards

AACR will be holding the Second Shanghai Conference during November 12-15

AACR will be holding the Second Shanghai Conference entitled "New Horizons in Cancer Research" during November 12-15 in Shanghai, China. Our Board of Directors, Dr. Wei Zhang, serves on the Regional Advisory Committee and has been invited to give two presentations on cancer genomics at the conference.

The first Impact Factor of CJC is 2.155.

We are pleased to announce that the first Impact Factor of CJC is 2.155 !

Last year, the Chinese Journal of Cancer (CJC) was accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E) by Thomson Reuters.

It has then been granted an Impact Factor of 2.155 for the of 2014, reflecting the citations during the year 2014 of articles published in 2012 and 2013.

Lung cancer and its prevalence in China: an Editor Q+A

Cases of lung cancer in China are rising, but why is this? Editors of a new series on lung cancer, Li Yan and Wei Zhang, explain why occurrence of lung cancer is increasing in China and the work that is being done to prevent this.

Long time USCACA supporter and advisor, Dr. George Wilding, appointed vice provost for clinical and interdisciplinary research at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Long time USCACA supporter and advisor, Dr. George Wilding, appointed vice provost for clinical and interdisciplinary research at MD Anderson Cancer Center
HOUSTON ― The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is pleased to announce the appointment of George Wilding, M.D., as vice provost for clinical and interdisciplinary research. Dr. Wilding is a prominent prostate cancer physician-scientist who directed the University of Wisconsin’s Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) for 12 years. His appointment at MD Anderson begins Sept. 1.


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